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MBI Al Jaber Foundation Lecture at Seminar for Arabian Studies: ‘From the Capital of Petra to the Provincial City of Hegra: New Insights on the Nabataeans’ by Dr Laïla Nehmé

The Seminar for Arabian Studies was held at the British Museum in London, from 28th to 30th July, 2011. Numerous members of the BFSA presented their work or chaired sessions. The Seminar opened with the MBI Al Jaber Foundation Public Lecture given by Dr Laïla Nehmé of the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, Orient et Méditerranée on the evening of 28th July. It was the sixth of the Seminar’s Annual Special Lectures, which are now entitled the “MBI Al Jaber Lectures” in honour of the Foundation’s sponsorship. The subject of her lecture was “From the Capital of Petra to the Provincial City of Hegra: New Insights on the Nabataeans”. Related to this lecture, a special session was held on “The Nabataeans in Focus: Current Archaeological Research at Petra”, organised by Dr Lucy Wadeson, on 29th July. Leading experts in Nabataean studies presented the 42 results of their research projects at Petra, according to the following themes:
• Religion and Status
• Tombs and Burial Customs
• Environs and Hinterland

The day finished with a panel discussion on “Developing an Agenda for Nabataean Archaeology”.

The fascinating and informative lecture was followed by a lively reception hosted by the MBI Al Jaber Foundation. Admission to the Seminar is free and is part of The British Museum’s public programme. The MBI Al Jaber Foundation is very proud of its support for the Seminar for Arabian Studies and looks forward to the forthcoming Seminar in 2012, which will be held on the 13th – 15th of July with the MBI Al Jaber Lecture being held on the 14th of July.

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