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MBI Al Jaber Foundation Sponsors One-Day Conference ‘Setting the Arab News Agenda: Who, How and With What Consequences’

The purpose of this one-day conference held on the 12 of May 2008, organised by the London Middle East Institute and generously sponsored by the US Embassy and the MBI Al Jaber Foundation, was to seek some preliminary answers to the questions of who sets the Arab news agenda, how they do it, and what consequences this media has, especially on Arab politics.

Although in one day no definitive answers could possibly be provided, selective case studies were offered through which broader issues and trends were illustrated. Every effort was made to ensure that different interests and viewpoints were represented by those participating in the panel discussions.

Participants included media professionals and analysts, as well as representatives of interests engaged directly with the Arab media. The conference was well-attended and a post-conference reception and dinner was kindly sponsored by the MBI Al Jaber Foundation.

For further information, please contact:
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