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Carolyn Perry, Director

Carolyn has been with the MBI Al Jaber Foundation since its registration as a UK Charity in 2002. Previously Carolyn lectured in Ancient History and Mythology in the Department of Mediterranean Studies at Queen Mary College, University of London and later moved to the Education Department of The British Museum, where she set up and ran the Arab World Education Programme. She also spent some time as Manager of the Petrie Museum of Egyptian Archaeology at UCL.

Director of the MBI Al Jaber Foundation since 2006, Carolyn continues to work in museums and education, lecturing on various aspects of the ancient Mediterranean and Islamic world and is currently a Trustee of the British Foundation for the Study of Arabia. She is a member of Advisory Board of the World History Encyclopedia, a Board member of Caabu (The Council for Arab-British Understanding) and on the Committee of the Anglo-Albanian Association.

Marylyn Whaymand, Head of Programmes

Marylyn has been with the MBI Al Jaber Foundation since 2012 and also worked as the Foundation’s Scholarships Officer during 2007-8. Previously she was employed as Programme Manager at the Open & Distance Learning Unit (ODLU), Queen Mary, University of London, where she helped set up and monitor distance learning degree programmes for students and working people both in the UK and abroad.

In her role as Head of Programmes, Marylyn continues her connection with universities, managing the liaison with the partner institutions of the MBI Al Jaber Foundation. She manages the Foundation’s ongoing lecture series, focussing on the MENA region and held throughout the academic year, as well as working closely with the British-Yemeni Society (B-YS) and regularly attending All Party Parliamentary Group meetings on Yemen. She holds an MA in Archaeology from UCL.



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